Location | Hackney, London Year | 2021 Client | A Bar with Shapes for a Name Architect | Bourne Architects Status | Completed

Bauhaus has become the biggest movement in modernism till this day, with their goal during the early 1900s to improve living conditions through modern technologies, Bauhaus has become the name and face of industrial modernism. The design concept for the bar was set very clear to converse with a Bauhaus ethos interlaced throughout. The design principles established in Bauhaus are; functional shapes, simple colour scheme, industrial material, balanced asymmetry and a holistic design. We used the principles to form the bases of our design during this project, including a calculated, multi-purpose approach to furniture.

The clients, a bar with shapes for names, demonstrated the primary colour and shape devised by the Bauhaus teacher Wassily Kandinsky. This had shown the inseparable relationship positioned towards Bauhaus. The three primary colours, red (square), blue (circle) and yellow (triangle) were used specifically for the entrance, at eyesight for consumers and the public to recognise instantaneously the bar but also Bauhaus. As you enter the unpretentious, slender walkway the concertina glass doors lead to a long bar space with functional, dynamic furnishings that is attractive to the eye. 

The bar located on Kingsland Road approached the design with the inspirational elements of Bauhaus in combination with the art of exposing the values of mixology. The 64sqm bar, including the new rear extension, inhabits a contemporary style with lighting that a reflected off Walter Gropius Lights at Bauhaus Dessau. This industrial style reflected the design concept we were following but also the history of industrialism that was faced in East London, where the bar is located. Using the engineered timber panels for the cabinets, and floor and the addition of the lightning were in sync with presenting a walkway towards the back of the bar. The front of the bar is decked out with a foldable and rotatable functioning table that can create more space for consumers during busy nights or put away to create openness. this limitless flexibility is efficient and useful for bars in environments which contain young and working people. The nesting table in particular was an intriguing design that was included. The design similar to a Russian doll is a small table that can be used to hold drinks or for extra seating and is coloured in the Bauhaus primary colours. Within the rear extension, The Staatliches Bauhaus classroom was an inspiration for the area conducting a new seating area with a second open bar area, performing the art of mixology. 

This conceptual ethos towards the design has made the bar with shapes for a name into a bijou contemporary industrial bar with the uncovering of mixology within art.


Soho Lofts


Battersea | SW11